Dust too, but I guess cobwebs means there’s still life.
Perhaps just mummified spiders.
Formerly The Eclectical Recepticale
Posted on 26 March 2021
Dust too, but I guess cobwebs means there’s still life.
Perhaps just mummified spiders.
Posted on 30 January 2017
Hey, I remembered my login!
So I guess it doesn't hurt to write something. Anything. Not that there's much to write about.
The forum has been recently converted to different software to let it still exist without incurring extra costs. Justification for having done this is difficult as it's really not used much, but hey. It's back to where it started off with phpBB helping it to run again.
There are some unfortunate side effects to the migration. Old posts have double line breaks between paragraphs and erroneous code where emoticons used to be. Old avatars also went missing.
Most importantly, old passwords will not work. If you have an account at the forum and want to login now. Well then you'll need to reset your password.
The last thing to mention is that there were various site bugs. Those had crept in over several back end updates and have, I think, now been corrected. If you think otherwise you can always drop by the contact page.
Posted on 17 March 2012
It used to be that this site would go through two or three designs in a year. That remained the case right up until, well when it didn't. I'm guessing about six years ago. I don't really care to check for any certainty as it could easily be longer and I'm not sure I want to know that.
In any case it's here and more or less done. Other than the forum which for now I'm leaving alone. I may give the Boxer sub site a new look first.
It used to be that this site would go through two or three designs in a year. That remained the case right up until, well when it didn't. I'm guessing about six years ago. I don't really care to check for any certainty as it could easily be longer and I'm not sure I want to know that.
In any case it's here and more or less done. Other than the forum which for now I'm leaving alone. I may give the Boxer sub site a new look first.
I should point out that this is only a new look nothing substantive has changed.
I'm sure it won't be to everyone's taste. I'm not even sure it's to mine though right now I like it better than the old design.
The stagnation that had set in wasn't unoticed. Numerous redesigns were created over the years but none of those went live. However it got to the point where I decided to put up what I last had, after some tweaks here and there. Change was needed even if it is only cosmetic.
I took advantage of the obscurity of the site to allow me to make some decisions regarding browser support which might otherwise have been difficult. It should look bug free (Yeah right?) and more or less the same in the newest versions of all major web browsers. At least all but IE where it looks OK but misses some bits and bobs of CSS goodness that the others do have.
Regarding IE, if you are using any version prior to IE9, you're not supported, sorry. Much of layout will be broken and much of the styling missing.
Some effort has been made to try and make things better for mobile/small-screen devices. My guess is it should work quite well in any smart phone (No not like a native app at all but pretty good for a web page.) but I have limited access to the multitude of smart phones out there for testing. Essentially the browser serves up different style sheets depending on screen width.
In any case here it is and if you want to complain or point something out, go right ahead and do so.